Saturday, July 07, 2007

Amarillo Slim Preston Still Competitive At 78

It has been 35 years since Amarillo Slim Preston has won the main event of the World Series Of Poker, and since then he has done more for poker than any one person alive or dead. In the 1970's he went on talk shows and brought poker to main stream America appeared in movies, wrote one of the first poker books Amarillo Slim Play Poker To Win, And founder of the Superbowl Of Poker which he took all over the world proving that poker was a world wide sport and not only and American past time. Before winning the WSOP main event in 1972 he traveled across the United States with Doyle Brunson and Sailor Roberts playing poker and making outrageous proposition bets. Now at 78 years old he is still as competitive as ever and still playing poker, this year in the seniors WSOP event he cashed placing 96 out of 1886 not an easy feat, he also played in the Main Event as he has every year but one due to health reasons. This year he has embarked on new territory for the poker legend opining a website There you will find autographed memorabilia as well as his new ebook All In: An E-guide To No Limit Texas Hold'em by Amarillo Slim Preston with Brent Riley. The book is full of tips to make you a winner at poker. The guide covers many aspects of no limit hold'em including odds and probabilities, starting hands, tells, discipline, as well as many other secrets from the poker legend

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